(P) 410-679-4000
Registration Required - Click linked dates below
For two weeks this Summer, Trinity is offering Camp Invention.
You can choose: June 10-14, August 12-16, or both!
Camp Invention® is an exciting summer STEM enrichment program that provides children with opportunities to bring their biggest ideas to life while developing essential 21st-century skills.
Hello Trinity Families.
We’ve been so excited about Camp R.O.A.R this summer with all the new ideas and activities that are offered.
It has taken time to plan and reinvent our summer camp program for this year. Over the past few years, it has
been challenging to maintain and increase enrollment, especially after COVID. This year is no different. We
offered families the opportunity to enroll later than many other camps in hopes to enroll more kids. This has
not proven to be fruitful and our low enrollment is at a point that we have to cancel Camp R.O.A.R. for this
By informing you now, our prayer is that you have enough time to enroll your child into another camp program
for the summer. Camp Invention will still go on as planned and they are accepting applications above.
Our finance department will be in contact with those of you who have already enrolled and paid deposits. We
will gladly refund your deposit as timely as possible.
-Trinity Lutheran Christian School Administration